Free Dummy/Mock API Alternatives for Developers

Nirmal Joshi
3 min readMar 13, 2023


JSONPlaceholder (
JSONPlaceholder is a free online REST API that you can use to provide dummy data for your web applications. The API provides data in JSON format, and you can use it to create fake users, posts, comments, and more.

Mocky (
Mocky is a free online service that lets you create mock HTTP responses. You can use Mocky to test your web applications by creating fake API responses that mimic the real thing.

EasyMock (
EasyMock is an open-source Java library that lets you create mock objects for your unit tests. EasyMock allows you to create mock implementations of interfaces and classes, and you can use it to test your code without having to rely on real implementations.

WireMock (
WireMock is an open-source Java library that lets you stub out HTTP interactions in your tests. WireMock allows you to specify the response that your application should return when it makes a request to a given URL, making it easy to test how your application behaves when it interacts with external services.

Mountebank (
Mountebank is a free and open-source tool that lets you create stubs for HTTP, TCP, SMTP, and other protocols. Mountebank makes it easy to test how your application behaves when it interacts with external services, and it also allows you to stub out entire services so that you can test your application offline.

FactoryBoy (www,
FactoryBoy is an open-source Python library that lets you generate fake data for your tests. FactoryBoy provides support for a variety of data types, including user accounts, posts, comments, and more. You can use FactoryBoy to generate data for both unit tests and functional tests.

Reqres (
Reqres is a simple user registration and login API with dummy data. It provides endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting user data. You can use it to test client-side applications or to prototype server-side applications.

Random User API (
The Random User API generates random user data. You can use it to test your applications’ user interface or to generate sample data for your database. The API provides endpoints for retrieving user data such as name, email, phone number, and location.

Mockaroo (
Mockaroo is a data generation tool that can create custom APIs with dummy data. It allows you to create custom data sets and generate data in various formats such as CSV, JSON, SQL, and Excel. You can use it to test your application’s data processing or to generate sample data for your database.

FakeJSON (
FakeJSON is a customizable JSON response generator. It allows you to create custom JSON data for testing and prototyping. You can specify the structure of the JSON data, the number of items, and the data type of each field.

About me:

Founder and CEO of an IT company in India, I have more than 25 years experience of in dealing with people, processes, and codes. I started online training for my students when it was not in fashion and have trained more than 10000 students/working professionals personally which has helped them to secure awesome jobs or even start their own businesses.

Check out my Udemy profile to know more about the courses that I teach.

I am also been an active corporate trainer for several years now and have been consulting with top Fortune 500/1000 companies to streamline their development projects efficiently. My goal is to share knowledge with a primary focus on advanced tools & techniques, projects, and standard programming practices to help my students understand the basics and fundamentals and make awesome technological implementations.



Nirmal Joshi
Nirmal Joshi

Written by Nirmal Joshi

A founder and CEO of an IT company in India, I have more than 22+ years’ experience of dealing with people, processes and codes.

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